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     This sweet and gentle soul comes from our 2016 litter with Moses and Lucy.  She has exhibited a loving, affable, playful demeanor from the earliest days when she first began to stumble around the whelping box, and has only become more so as she has grown. 


     We chose Tonks because her Mama, Lucy, has such a pliable temperament and all the hallmarks of a natural born therapy dog.  The notion of keeping a puppy from her pairing with Moses was thrilling to us, but daunting too, as we carefully scrutinized which puppy to keep.  We are so delighted that we chose Tonks!  She is exactly what we had hoped for.  Displaying  the same intuition for people that her mama possesses, she recognizes when a little person or a timid person is in her presence and brings down her energy level to match theirs.  And, she loves people.  LOVES.  As is She has a bold approach to the world, ready to engage new experiences with fervor.  While she at first wasn’t too sure that the swimming pool was her friend, she soon discovered her inner retriever and is now a rockstar in the water. 


     All in all, we are thrilled with who Tonks has become and expect fabulous puppies from her.  As was the case with her Mama, we anticipate that many of her offspring will go on to do therapy and service work, blessing their communities with their loving and gregarious personalities. And, we also look forward to the gift of placing her puppies into their packs, as we know that they will make wonderful family pets.  

Hips:     PennHipp .38, .41  

Elbows: "CLEAR" OFA GR-EL44636F26

Eyes:    "CLEAR" GR-EYE13825/12F-VPI

Heart:  "NORMAL" GR-ACA1883/13F-VPI

PRA1&2:   "CLEAR" by parentage

Icthyosis:  "CARRIER" 



Tonks Stats


                              some Tonks pups


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