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     Our sweet Lollie Pop is truly a gift from Kennel Non-Stop in Hungary. She is honestly the sweetest, gentlest, prettiest Golden, embodying all the ingredients that give the Golden Retriever such an amazing reputation. 


      When I took Lollie to be bred for the first time (via TCI), the staff remarked that Lollie should be the prototype for all females on whom TCI's were performed, as she stood dead still and happily complied with all instructions. When I took her in for her ultrasound to confirm pregnancy, a different set of staff commented that she was one of the most calm dogs they'd ever had the pleasure of working with. She incites such remarks because she is so extraordinarily QUIET in her demeanor. Astonishingly so.


      We have also marveled at Lollie's intuition with little ones. She senses the vulnerability and often fear present in small children, and responds by dropping slowly to her belly, glacially inching towards them until she arrives at a hand, and then goes completely still. It is such a joy to have a dog who builds trust in the little people around her! 

     And then, there is Lollie the athlete. As quiet as she is for the vet, she is as zealous for the ball! She loves a rousing game of fetch and swims like a beast. We have such fun playing with her! All in all, this girl is the picture of perfection. 


Hips:     FCI "A"

Elbows: FCI Clear

Eyes:    "CLEAR" OFA 

Heart:  "CLEAR"

PRA1&2:  "CLEAR" 

Icthyosis:  "AFFECTED" (will only be bred to "CLEAR" male so that puppies do not have Icthyosis) 


Lollie Stats


                              some Lollie pups


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