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    Oh Harper. This girl stole our hearts the moment she arrived and she can do no wrong!  Our Instagram feed is full of her antics, and she has developed quite a following due to her "the perfect dog with a dash of naughty" status.  She is known as #Harperthetomatobandit and #Harpercandonowrong.  She gives legendary advice in #Harperswordsofwisdom and she always wows with her #Harperfetch dive bombs into the pool.


As much as we tease this girl, she is truly a soulmate kind of dog.  She lays on feet.  She predicts where the cook will stand and she lays there first.  She drops her head in any available lap, ready to be pet, but not pushy.  She greets customers at my husband's office (one customer was prepared to make a big purchase, but offered to do so only on the condition that he could take Harper too! That didn't happen...). She readily jumps in the car for a drive or the boat for some fishing. She lays quietly on the ground when little people arrive. She instantly befriends every dog she meets. She dotes on the puppies and licks our kids' tears. She loves.  


Amazingly, all of this came wrapped up in a gorgeous package.  Harper has one of the strongest heads of any female we've ever owned, but still maintains a softness in her expression. She has a plush, correct coat with a hint of wave and a lovely pale creamy color.  A jet black nose and rich, chocolaty eyes.  She's just about perfect. 


Because of her temperament, we expect Harper to bring a lot of therapy dogs into this world.  While we have worked to train her for therapy work, and expect her to easily pass her TDI test, we also have to give a lot of credit to what was naturally stamped into this girl.  She's just one of a kind.  We truly cannot wait to meet her babies and will certainly be keeping one of her puppies to carry on the Harper legacy.  

Hips:    PennHIP

Elbows:"CLEAR" OFA JR707032

Eyes:    "CLEAR" OFA 


Heart:  "NORMAL" OFA


PRA1&2:  "CLEAR" by parentage

Icthyosis:  "CARRIER" 



Harper Stats


                              some Harper pups


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